
everyday - logbook




Personal 35mm

My first time officially developing & scanning my own film. (I can’t wait for the day that this all becomes muscle memory.) I appreciate how they turned out even though the processing tones are off and that my scanner is dusty… It makes me love and appreciate these moments so much more.

Now. 18 more rolls to go.

Nyc, 05/04/19. Three badass babes right here.

Nyc, 05/04/19. Three badass babes right here.

Shepherdsville, Kentucky. 05/2019. My nephew, Gabriel.

Shepherdsville, Kentucky. 05/2019. My nephew, Gabriel.

My Auntie in my living room (half the time I see her she’s always wearing my old Pink Floyd shirt)

My Auntie in my living room (half the time I see her she’s always wearing my old Pink Floyd shirt)

Florianopolis, Brazil. 11/28/2018. Babs being Babs.

Florianopolis, Brazil. 11/28/2018. Babs being Babs.

Philadelphia. 11/2018. JR at the first Photo Book Club.

Philadelphia. 11/2018. JR at the first Photo Book Club.

Somewhere in West Virginia with Bowie. 05/13/2019

Somewhere in West Virginia with Bowie. 05/13/2019

Sunsets in my living room make my house feel like a home.

Sunsets in my living room make my house feel like a home.

joy masi